Impact of Waves on the Flood Barrier

The behaviour of the NoFloods Flood Barrier in the presence of waves is different from its response in still water conditions. Here’s an explanation of how waves can affect the barrier:

  • Variable Forces: When subjected to wave action, the forces acting on the Flood Barrier become dynamic and vary in both time and space. Unlike the constant forces exerted by still water, waves create changing and unpredictable forces on the barrier.
  • Dynamic Motion: Significant wave action can lead to dynamic and oscillating movements of the barrier. This motion can contribute to local sliding of the barrier due to the varying forces exerted by the waves.
  • Overtopping Risk: Waves can also result in overtopping of the barrier, where water from the waves spills over the top of the barrier. Minor overtopping might not pose a significant issue, but consistent and substantial overtopping can impact the barrier’s stability over time. Adding a membrane will keep the barrier stable during in case of overtopping.
  • Mitigation Measures: To counter the effects of waves, especially significant wave action, precautions can be taken. These might include adding a third barrier behind the primary one or placing an additional tube on top of the barrier, creating a triple tube configuration. These measures help increase the safety height and prevent overtopping.
  • Enhancing Stability: By adding extra barriers or tubes, the barrier’s stability against wave-induced forces and overtopping can be improved. These precautions provide added protection and ensure the barrier’s effectiveness even in the presence of challenging wave conditions.

In summary, the response of the NoFloods Flood Barrier to waves involves dynamic forces, potential oscillating motion, and the risk of overtopping. Appropriate precautions, such as adding supplementary barriers or tubes, can enhance the barrier’s stability and performance in wave-prone environments.

Video #1 Inflatable Flood Barrier – Storm Surge Barrier