Monitoring and Maintenance of Deployed Flood Barrier

After the NoFloods Flood Barrier is deployed, monitoring and maintenance are generally not continuous but may be needed periodically. Here’s what you should know:

  • Limited Control and Maintenance: Once deployed,the Flood Barrier’s need for monitoring and maintenance is typically limited to periodic checks. Maintenance activities might need to occur once a day or as necessary, depending on the situation.
  • Emergency Situations: While regular maintenance is not constant, flooding is often considered a force majeure situation. During flooding, especially as water levels approach the barrier, it’s essential to pay close attention to the situation. Unexpected developments can occur suddenly, demanding prompt action.
  • Flood Management: The dynamic nature of flooding situations means that flood management practices are crucial. Being prepared to respond tounexpected changes, ensuring barrier stability, and adjusting deployment as needed are all part of effective flood management.

In summary, while continuous monitoring might not be required, flood management practices should be in place to addressunexpected situations, ensure the stability ofthe Flood Barrier, and respond effectively to changing flood conditions.