Quality Assurance of Flood Barriers

The quality of NoFloods Flood Barriers is rigorously assured through a comprehensive system of manufacturing standards, certifications, feedback mechanisms, and continuous improvement processes. Here are the key aspects of the quality assurance process:

Manufacturing Standards:

  • The Flood Barriers are manufactured according to the “ES Production Quality System, 2011,” which ensures reliability and high quality in production processes.
  • Subcontractors supplying components for the Flood Barriers adhere to the same quality standards.

ISO Certification:

  • The company is certified according to ISO 9001:2015 by the International Standardization Organization. This certification demonstrates the company’s commitment to continuous improvement and superior performance in all aspects of its business operations.
  • Major suppliers of Environment Solutions also hold ISO certification, ensuring quality throughout the supply chain.

Quality Monitoring and Improvement:

  • Environment Solutions systematically monitors quality through various mechanisms, including customer feedback, self-assessment, management reviews, and annual quality assessments.
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and quality targets are defined and measured regularly, with corrective actions implemented when targets are not met.
  • The management team conducts annual reviews to analyse performance, make adjustments, and ensure alignment with the quality policy.

Employee training:

  • Comprehensive training programs are provided to employees to ensure adherence to methods, procedures, and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
  • Training includes updates on regulations, rules, and processes to keep employees informed and up to date.

CE Certification:

  • The Flood Barrier solution carries the CE (Certificate of Conformity), indicating compliance with safety and health requirements to ensure the well-being of users.

Instruction and Maintenance Manual:

  • All handling procedures for the Flood Barriers are meticulously described in the Instruction and Maintenance Manual, which must be readily available during the handling of the barriers.

Training and Customer Support:

  • Training for customers is offered and strongly recommended. This training, combined with the guidelines in the Instruction and Maintenance Manual, ensures safe usage and successful flood protection.

In summary, the quality assurance process for NoFloods Flood Barriers involves adherence to manufacturing standards, ISO certification, continuous monitoring and improvement, employee training, CE certification, comprehensive documentation, and customer training. These measures collectively ensure the reliability, effectiveness, and safety of the Flood Barrier solution.


We refer to the description of the technical capacity for protection heights for NoFloods Barriers. Also, we refer to the hydraulic assessment report by DHI for water-filled tubes used as flood barriers.

Further reports are available from Vituki, Hungary as well as accreditations from among others Sécurité Civile, France, and Manila Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Philippines. Please see the statements below.

Saint Florence Statuette, POLAND
Environment Solutions received The Saint Florence Statuette at an awarding celebration dinner. The award was given for emerging assistance during flooding in Poland.
Vituki Certification, HUNGARY
"VITUKI" Hungarian Water Resources Research Institute Kht. &
“VITUKI” Institute for Environmental Protection and Water Management International Affairs has tested and approved the material used for the Flood Barrier System.
DHI Hydraulic Assessment Report
Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI), one of the World’s leading independent institutions within water technologies, has completed a thorough test of the technical construction and effect of the Flood Barrier System. All statements of the capabilities of the Flood Barrier System are based on this technical report.
Securité Civile, FRANCE
A Satisfaction certificate has been issued from Sécurité Civile, France after 6 successful deployments during 2014.
NDRRM accreditation, PHILIPPINES
Successful evaluation report has been issued by Manila Disaster Risk Reduction and Management. The NoFloods Barriers have further passed evaluation by the Philippine National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management council