Case Studies

Dock and Lock Gate Repairs

Inflatable Barriers Ease Dock and Lock Gate Repairs

In the Maas River, there is a lock from the sea where ships are lifted from approximately 56 to 488 NAP (Normaal Amsterdams Peil). The lock has two gates; an old one with lifting doors and a modern one with point doors. There were issues with the pivots and the neck-pins were damaged, so the authorities (i.e. the Government and RWS) decided...


Post Flooding – Back to Normal in Just Hours

Compared to sandbags and big bags – the NoFloods Barriers have proven their efficiency and reliability over and over during several storm surges. E.g. within the first 2 weeks of 2019, the barriers were deployed in multiple locations to protect people and critical infrastructure from potential devastation by flood waters. One of the key advantages of the NoFloods Barrier is its...