NoFloods Barrier macht die Kanalinspektion eines niederländischen Kunden schnell und einfach

Culvert Inspection

NoFloods Barrier macht die Kanalinspektion eines niederländischen Kunden schnell und einfach

A client in Holland needed to carry out a culvert inspection for potential maintenance work and repairs.

The Culvert Inspection Challenge

They needed to cut off water from the stream that was flowing through the culvert so that they could carry out the inspection to see the state of the culvert.

The location of the culvert was also a challenge since it was located down a slope in a bushy area.

It wasn’t ideal to take heavy machinery down there.

They needed a more flexible and environmentally friendly solution to help cut off the water flowing into the culvert.

The Culvert Inspection Solution

Our partner in Holland was called into action and after assessing the situation, they used the following barriers:

  • 1 x Single Tube 125 (upstream)
  • 1 x Single Tube (downstream)

Using the NoFloods barriers to cut off the water helped to create a dry work area that was now easily accessible.

The client was able to conveniently carry out the culvert inspection using their recording equipment. 

Note: We always recommend using a Twin Tube for safety reasons (i.e. two tubes fastened together).

The Result

The culvert inspection project was completed within 24 hours from start to finish. 

The client was able to get a good quality recording of the inspection as was required. 

All parties were satisfied. 

Here’s a video that shows how the client was easily able to carry out the culvert inspection thanks to the NoFloods Barriers that helped to create a dry work area.

Want To Learn More About Our Barriers? Then Click/Tap Here To Get In Touch

Worth Noting

The same strategy can be used for culvert repairs, culvert maintenance, sediment removal and gate restoration projects.

More Applications Of The NoFloods Barriers:

  • Construction work in wetlands
  • River diversion
  • Culverting
  • Cable and Pipeline works
  • Boat ramps
  • ​Etc.

​​The NoFloods barriers have been used for different applications in the USA, France, Germany, Thailand, Australia, Spain, Serbia, Romania Slovenia, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Hungary, Holland and 10 other countries.

Want To Learn More About Our Barriers? Then Click/Tap Here To Get In Touch

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