Portable Water Dam Safeguards Wetland Habitat During Dam Renovation

Portable Water Dam

Portable Water Dam Safeguards Wetland Habitat During Dam Renovation

One of the world’s leading steel and mining companies needed to renovate a dam located in a wetland area.

They partnered with our distributor, Udim, who provided them with a portable water dam to help protect the wetland area during the renovation.

Our in-house expert was on-site, providing support and expertise during the deployment of the portable water dam.

Everything was successfully executed thanks to a great team effort by everyone involved. Bravo!

The Challenge: Reducing Water At The Construction Site Without Interfering With The Wetland 

The engineers had to perform a major renovation of a permanent dam located in the wetland area. 

But reducing the lake’s water level would negatively impact the protected wetland area and its entire ecosystem. 

This meant that the wetland area had to be first secured before reducing the water level in the lake.

The Solution: NoFloods Portable Water Dam

After consultations, we decided to use our portable water dam to help dam the wetland area. 

This would ensure its water level was maintained throughout the project, which would last for months.

To this effect, a 200-meter (656-foot) inflatable portable water dam (NoFloods PRO TwinTube 125) was deployed across the lake to dam up the water flow.

Subsequently, a membrane was deployed over the NoFloods portable water dam.  Its purpose was to:

  1. Minimise seepage 
  2. Stabilize the inflatable water dam 
  3. Enable overtopping
  4. Protect the tubes against ultraviolet radiation (UV) during long-term use.

Smaller streams in the area were dammed up using our 30-meter NoFloods FlexWall (a self-erecting barrier) and another inflatable water dam. 

The latter barriers for the smaller streams were deployed for short-term use and later removed. 

The Result of Using The NoFloods Portable Water Dam

The subcontractor was able to embark on the renovation of the permanent dam while maintaining the water level of the wetland area.

This ensured that the wetland remained undisturbed even as construction work continued a few meters away.

Here are a couple of pictures of how the NoFloods portable water dam was deployed

Portable Water Dam
Portable Water Dam
Portable Water Dam
Portable Water Dam
Portable Water Dam
Portable Water Dam
Portable Water Dam
Portable Water Dam
Portable Water Dam
Portable Water Dam Portable Water Dam Portable Water Dam Portable Water Dam Portable Water Dam Portable Water Dam Portable Water Dam Portable Water Dam Portable Water Dam

And here are videos of the same.

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What You Need To Know About the Portable Water Dam

The NoFloods portable water dam has multiple applications ranging from dewatering construction sites to safeguarding the environment, critical infrastructure and people during floods. 

The TwinTube 125 has a pre-water weight of about 3.5 kg/meter. But this changes to 2350 kg/meter once filled with water.

The portable water dam typically retains water up to 2/3 of the installed height when filled with water. 

Adding a membrane decreases buoyancy. In practice, this means less seepage and increased protection height (the protection height equals the installed height of the barrier).

The NoFloods Barrier by Environment Solutions is one of the pioneers in the industry, with its proven technology dating back to 1999.

The concept is still new to the market but has a lot of potentials.

More Applications Of The NoFloods Barriers:

  • Flood protection
  • Construction work in wetlands
  • River diversion
  • Culverting
  • Cable and Pipeline works
  • Boat ramps
  • ​Etc.

​​The NoFloods barriers have been used for different applications in the USA, France, Germany, Thailand, Australia, Spain, Serbia, Romania Slovenia, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Hungary, Holland and 10 other countries.

Want To Learn More About Our Barriers? Then Click/Tap Here To Get In Touch

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