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Tulvapenkereet Moravian-Silesian alueella Tšekissä

Innovatiiviset Tulvaesteet suojaavat kahta paikkaa Tšekissä tulvilta.

Ilmastonmuutoksen kiihtyessä tehokkaiden tulvapenkereiden tarve kasvaa tulvien yleistymisen... read more

Ilmakuva Zur Siegfähre -ravintolasta, jossa NoFloods Barriers ovat paikallaan tulvasuojelua varten.

NoFloods Barriers estivät tulvan Zur Siegfähressä

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tulvien ehkäisy Rheinbachissa Saksassa

Saksalainen kaupunki hengittää helpommin NoFloods Barriers avulla NoFloods Barriers

Rankkasateen jälkeen puro tulvi yli ja uhkasi Rheinbachin... read more

EV-palojen torjunta ja hallinta

NoFloods FlexWall – Älykäs ratkaisu EV-palojen torjuntaan

EV-palojen torjunta on haaste palomiehille, erityisesti nykypäivän nopeasti... read more

NoFloods-tulvantorjuntaeste käyttöön Ravennassa

Vallankumouksellinen tulvapanssari suojaa italialaista datakeskusta

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Paras ratkaisu tulvapenkereiden varastointiin ja kuljetukseen

Tulvapenkereiden käyttöönoton logistiikkaan liittyy monia näkökohtia, jotka vaihtelevat... read more

Sustainable Solutions

Headquartered in Denmark, Environment Solutions ApS develops and manufacture solutions for temporary flood protection and Coffer damming.

We probably offer the most efficient solution for temporary large scale flood protection. We have invested actively in creating the world’s most cost-effective solution for flood protection, coffer dams, and flexible reservoirs for storing rainwater, wastewater, toxic spills etc.

Regarding flood protection, the NoFloods Mobile Barrier is the most effective and flexible first line of protection. This is both BEFORE flooding and AFTER flooding has occurred. As the only solution on the market, the NoFloods Mobile Barrier can be deployed AFTER flooding has occurred directly in the water to protect critical infrastructure.

NoFloods tulvasuojaus-min

We have invested actively in creating the most cost efficient and effective solution for temprorary flood protection as well as temprorary storage of liquids. Our products are solutions are based on more than 20 years of expirience of dealing with floods and natural disasters!

How the Global Goals are addressed


Good Health and Well-Being

Indirect health impacts which follow flood events, such as waterborne diseases, can cause more deaths than the initial flooding. NoFloods’ solution could reduce the vulnerability of communities to these risks.


Responsible Consumption and Production

The NoFlood Barrier minimises the resources needed to protect cities against floods by offering an easy-to-install mobile infrastructure solution.


Climate Action

Effective flood barriers increase resilience to more frequent flooding as a result of climate change. According to the company, it reduces CO2 emissions by 99.6% compared to traditional sandbag barriers.


Already selected among the 100 sustainable solutions by sustainia

Why a Sustania 100 solution?


NoFloods Mobile Barriers protect city residents, infrastructure and the environment from the devastation caused by flooding through a system of mobile structures. The company addressing the Global Sustainable development Goals 3, 11 & 13.