Održavanje i popravak odbojnika potpomognuti NoFloods barijerama

Održavanje i popravak odbojnika potpomognuti NoFloods barijerama

Solum, a private Danish company supplying a wide range of environmental services was asked to remove sediment and repair a culvert gate for the municipality of Frederikssund.

Culvert Maintenance and Repair Challenge: Water Passing Through The Culvert

A stream of water was passing through the culvert thus making the repair work almost impossible.

They had to find a way to dry up the site to enable the culvert maintenance and repair. 

The Solution: Use of the Nofloods Barrier to Create a Cofferdam (Dry Work Area)

Solum decided to use a range of our NoFloods Barriers to dam up the stream thereby securing a safe and dry work environment for the culvert maintenance and repair.

Approximately 20 meters of  NoFloods Barriers and 10 meters of NoFloods FlexWall was easily deployed to help in damming up the stream.

The water level was then maintained by pumps to avoid overflow.

The Result

The project was successfully completed within 24 hours from start to completion.

Pro Tip: The same approach may apply for projects related to culvert repair, culvert maintenance, sediment removal, gate repair projects, etc.

Watch the video below to see how Solum was easily able to use our barriers to dam up the stream and create a dry work area, enabling them to carry out culvert maintenance and repair.

P.S. Want a downloadable copy of this case study? Click/Tap Here

More Applications Of The NoFloods Barriers:

  • Construction work in wetlands
  • River diversion
  • Culverting
  • Cable and Pipeline works
  • Boat ramps
  • ​Etc.

​​The NoFloods barriers have been used for different applications in the USA, France, Germany, Thailand, Australia, Spain, Serbia, Romania Slovenia, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Hungary, Holland and 10 other countries.

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