NoFloods Barriers Official Demo Tour To Help Prevent Flooding In Spain
This past November, our team was in three Spanish locations presenting several models of our NoFloods products.
In comparison to other flood protective measures such as sandbags, temporary embankments raised with excavators, etc., the NoFloods barriers can be installed quicker and they are much more dependable in reducing damages caused by floods.
Attendees at the demos had the unique opportunity to see, touch and experience the NoFloods barriers firsthand that have already proven their effectiveness, including the successful protection of a gas facility in Hungary (as shown in the pictures below).
Our First Demo Stop To Help to Combat Flooding In Spain
We kicked off our demos in Spain this year by presenting our range of flood protection products in the municipality of Los Palacios y Villafranca, Seville, on Monday 19th November.
The event took place at the Western Base of the Emergencies Group of Andalusia (GREA), where we were able to use its facilities to carry out a presentation and the subsequent demonstration of the NoFloods Barriers.
Among the attendees were representatives of the Malaga Provincial Council and the Military Emergency Unit (UME), as well as staff from the GREA’s own base.
Second Stop On Our Demo Tour To Help Prevent Flooding In Spain
We then moved to the municipality of Santa María de Huerta in Soria, two days later, on 21st November.
Last September, the Jalón River which is situated in the municipality flooded and as a consequence, it affected the Cistercian Monastery together with several houses, causing damages amounting to more than 5 million Euros.
We were able to share our flood protection technology with representatives from other municipalities affected by flooding, as well as the citizens of Santa María de Huerta.
Final Stop On Our Demo Tour To Remedy Flooding in Spain
To conclude our Spanish tour, the NoFloods team travelled to the municipality of Iruña de Oka at the Basque Country.
There we held a demonstration at the fire station of the Foral Fire Brigade of Álava, on Friday 23rd November.
Several representatives of the fire brigades of Basque Country were in attendance, as well as engineers from the Basque Water Agency (URA).
Below are images of the demo from the three locations in Spain.