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The Best Flood Control Barrier for the Protection of Homes and Cities During Storm Surges

The Best Flood Control Barrier for the Protection of Homes and Cities During Storm Surges

Storm Malik hit Denmark with wind gusts of hurricane strength from January 29, 2022, prompting the deployment of NoFloods Barrier; the world’s most reliable flood control barrier. About 1.8 kilometres of the temporary flood protection barriers from Environment Solutions were successfully deployed across 7 locations in Frederikssund Municipality and Jyllinge. In total, more than 4 km of flood control barriers (water tubes)...

Water Filled Flood Barriers Successfully Protect Iconic Viking Ship Museum During Storm Surge

NoFloods Inflatable Flood Barrier – The #1 Inflatable Storm Surge Flood Barrier

In January 2022, the NoFloods inflatable flood barrier was deployed across three different locations throughout the Municipality of Roskilde, to protect against storm Malik that was hitting Denmark. The deployment was successful and no damages were recorded. Here are a couple of pictures that showcase the deployment of the NoFloods flood barrier. The video below shows the NoFloods inflatable barrier in action.   

NoFloods Barriers Denmark's National Viking Ship Museum

NoFloods Barriers Successfully Protect Denmark’s National Viking Ship Museum

The NoFloods Barriers were yesterday successfully used to protect the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde from flooding. An evening storm was expected to raise the water level in Roskilde Fjord to about 1.3 meters, with a potential risk for the museum that is Denmark’s National Viking Ship Museum for the prehistoric and medieval period. The images below show the NoFloods...

bypass waterways streams and canals

Water Bypass of Streams & Canals: The Economically and Environmentally Sustainable Approach

The "MetsterMill" in Sint-Truiden, Belgium, was to undergo a thorough architectural renovation by contractor ABB&Z, on behalf of the owner. The mill wall on the Melsterbeek had to be rebuilt as the foundations were no longer adequate. In addition, the state of the mill basin was unknown e.g. was there a concrete floor present? In what condition was it in? Was there...

Culvert Maintenance and repair featured image

Culvert Maintenance and Repair Aided By NoFloods Barriers

Solum, a private Danish company supplying a wide range of environmental services was asked to remove sediment and repair a culvert gate for the municipality of Frederikssund.

Culvert Maintenance and Repair Challenge: Water Passing Through The Culvert

A stream of water was passing through the culvert thus making the repair work almost impossible. They had to find a way to dry...

Dock and Lock Gate Repairs

Inflatable Barriers Ease Dock and Lock Gate Repairs

In the Maas River, there is a lock from the sea where ships are lifted from approximately 56 to 488 NAP (Normaal Amsterdams Peil). The lock has two gates; an old one with lifting doors and a modern one with point doors. There were issues with the pivots and the neck-pins were damaged, so the authorities (i.e. the Government and RWS) decided...


Transylvania Flash Floods Defanged – NoFloods Spring Demo Tour In Romania

In June 2018, Romania was hit by heavy rains which increased the water levels in rivers and lakes, thus creating floods in most areas within the country. One of the cities where flooding was highly devastating was Bacău. There, water levels were high and it even exceeded 3 meters in some areas. This was an extreme case isolated to specific areas, whereas in...

NoFloods Barriers Training In Karlsruhe, Germany


With over 2.000 inhabitants per km², the Rhine valley is one of the most densely populated areas in Germany and thus highly susceptible to flooding, especially in cities.  In November 2018, Environment Solutions accomplished a dense 3-day training for emergency flood protection, educating more than 30 specialists from the Civil Engineering Department of the City of Karlsruhe, Germany, to successfully...


Making Thailand Resilient To The Next Flood

New technology, new solutions and new ways to fight floods was presented in Bangkok by Environment Solutions, to an exclusive selection of government officials and guests from the private sector.  They all attended with the main purpose of exploring new ways to make cities and businesses more resilient towards floods.


Thailand has first hand experience on...